Tales From The Dancefloor

#006: Adam Dutch - Renowned mashup artist who still finds time to play 150+ gigs a year...

Episode Summary

Ever wondered what it's like being a world-renowned mashup artist? US-based DJ Adam Dutch knows, having had huge success with a succession of mashups, that tend to be (but aren't always!) in his beloved style, basically where rock and hip hop meet.

Episode Notes

Ever wondered what it's like being a world-renowned mashup artist? US-based DJ Adam Dutch knows, having had huge success with a succession of mashups, that tend to be (but aren't always!) in his beloved style, basically where rock and hip hop meet.

I was intrigued as to how he got into it, and what his motivations are - and it turned out that he's much more than just a "mashup guy". A Berklee Music Business MBA graduate, he's established himself as a producer, as a radio DJ, as a podcaster and wedding DJ - and over and above all that, as a working DJing, playing 150+ shows a year to crowds up to 30,000. It's a fascinating and motivating conversation, with a lot about entrepreneurship in it.

You can find Adam online at:



